fashion friday: dresses!
It is official! I am addicted to dresses from Target. In the last month I have bought five (eeeeep!) It is a great way for me to add trendy things to my wardrobe without spending a fortune. I have been living in this dress! It is t-shirt material and wicked light!
I have a new stitch fix coming so hopefully I will find a few more pieces to add to my collection. Happy Friday! Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
sweet silence
So, so, so, nice to have a morning off! Cookie Dog and I are going to enjoy the garden. There is nothing better than basking in the sunshine, with a good book while the butterflies play in the flowers. Isn't our cottage cute?!
In the butterfly garden we have black eyed Susan, echinacea, bee balm and butterfly bush. Behind it we have a fence with climbing grape vine.
This tree is a Rose of Sharon and has grown well over 8ft tall!
Cookie would sleep on the deck all afternoon (if I'd let her but she gets a sunburned belly.) Ahhhh....enjoy your day! Hope you get to savor the weather. Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
heart of saturday night
Sigh....last night was opening night of the musical and I have to say it went really, really, well!! It is so fun to sing and dance again! Plus I am meeting all sorts of amazing, talented people. Today I have to work and then warm ups are at 7. I am pretty exhausted but I have nothing to do on Sunday (except maybe, clean my house) so I plan on taking it easy! Hope you are having a good weekend. Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate
4th of July 2012
Ok, so Friday's post is not about fashion. I thought I would back track and share the adventure we had on Independence Day. Although we didn't see any literal "fireworks" we had a wonderful Fourth together. Pat and I visited The Book Barn and wandered among the thousands of books stock piled in various barns, wagons, carts and outdoor shelving. The place is magical and our favorite spot in Connecticut.
We spent a few hours at "the barn" picking out all sorts of new (to us) books to read. After we had exhausted our eyes and our book budget, we headed to the shore for seafood. We sat on the pier and ate way too much fish!! This is a yearly tradition and the weather was perfect.
Dinner was winding down right as the sun was setting. We don't see the sun set at home because we have a mountain blocking the view so it was a treat to sit and bask in the afternoon light.
Of course we stopped for dessert on the way home. While enjoying our ice cream we saw two baby skunks! They were loitering around the picnic tables and were really cute!
It was a glorious afternoon and we didn't want it to end. Since we only have one day off together it is rare for us to do anything but chores and yard work. The fourth of July was a treat and we defiantly enjoyed ourselves. How was your holiday?
Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
We spent a few hours at "the barn" picking out all sorts of new (to us) books to read. After we had exhausted our eyes and our book budget, we headed to the shore for seafood. We sat on the pier and ate way too much fish!! This is a yearly tradition and the weather was perfect.
Dinner was winding down right as the sun was setting. We don't see the sun set at home because we have a mountain blocking the view so it was a treat to sit and bask in the afternoon light.
Of course we stopped for dessert on the way home. While enjoying our ice cream we saw two baby skunks! They were loitering around the picnic tables and were really cute!
It was a glorious afternoon and we didn't want it to end. Since we only have one day off together it is rare for us to do anything but chores and yard work. The fourth of July was a treat and we defiantly enjoyed ourselves. How was your holiday?
Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
A few words on Ellen Foster
Ellen Foster is a tiny book written by Kaye Gibbons. This little gem was written in 1987 and was a part of Oparah's book club (which has its pros and cons) I consider myself well versed in the ways of American fiction and was surprised that I had never heard of this book. Having been compared to Salinger's Catcher in the Rye I thought I would give this book a shot and I was not disappointed.
Ellen Foster is a spunky 11 year old living in the deep south and the story is from her point of view. It takes a minute to acclimate to her phrasing but once you do, it's just you and Ellen. This book was heartbreaking and due to the way it was written it felt like I was taking Ellen by the hand and she was whispering her secrets to me. Ellen Foster was a very believable character. She struggles with the mind of a child while trying to cope with abuse, neglect and death. It was a fascinating read and only furthers my desire for helping children and pursuing a career in counseling.
Maybe everyone has read this? As with The Bell Jar (which I read last year) Ellen Foster is a book I should have read when I was in high school but (for some reason) it never crossed my path. Although it is no Catcher in the Rye I am happy I read it. What are you reading? Any suggestions? Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate
heart of saturday night
Working on Saturday is tough. But I don't have rehearsal tonight so Pat and I are hanging out. Resting. Maybe a game of Scrabble? A movie? Sittin on the porch? It will be nice to spend some time together. Enjoy your Saturday! Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
fashion friday: third stitich fix
Hello all! Just received my third stitch fix! For my new readers: stitchfix.com is an awesome company that sends you clothes based on your style and fashion preferences. You pay $20 and they send you a box of goodies featuring new designers and all the latest trends. You try everything on and then keep what you like and ship (for free) back what you don't want! Oh and that initial $20 goes towards credit on your purchases! That's all there is to it! You can see my other stitch fixes here and here.
Well, I wish I could say that the third time is a charm but that is simply, not the case. This was another mixed bag of things that I "liked" and things that were kind of boring. That being said, I am amazed that the clothes they send me ALWAYS fit! I haven't had to squeeze into anything. Stitchfix does a phenomenal job picking clothes that will fit my body type (with all this boobage going on over here) So lets take a look at my fix:
First there was the gray blazer by THML. It was a simple gray blazer... that is all. Not exciting but it fit well!
Next was the oh so trendy sheer blouse by Olive and Oak. I loved this shirt and I really wanted to keep it but it was black and the point of stitchfix for me is to take risks and add color! The last thing I need is another black shirt. It was really pretty but I thought it was a little expensive for the simplicity and the quality.
Then onto a silk dress by designer Charlie Jade that I liked but would never wear. Seriously, I really can't wear strapless. This one reminded me of a dress you would wear to a poolside mixer circa 1972.
And finally a collard dress by Many Belles Down. I loved this dress! Loved it! It was soft and comfy and had a sexy black collar AND pockets! Plus the pattern was neat-o!
Well, I wish I could say that the third time is a charm but that is simply, not the case. This was another mixed bag of things that I "liked" and things that were kind of boring. That being said, I am amazed that the clothes they send me ALWAYS fit! I haven't had to squeeze into anything. Stitchfix does a phenomenal job picking clothes that will fit my body type (with all this boobage going on over here) So lets take a look at my fix:
First there was the gray blazer by THML. It was a simple gray blazer... that is all. Not exciting but it fit well!
Then there was the "scary item" I think that stitchfix purposely puts one item in each box that is totally not my style. Maybe they are hoping that I will venture outside of my comfort zone? Of course, I am keen to trying new fashion but not like this and again PINK!!! UGH! This tank was by Jaloux (couldn't find a website) and was super duper soft but the color and "back flap" were not going to fly. Get it? "fly"? as in this tank had a cape!
Next was the oh so trendy sheer blouse by Olive and Oak. I loved this shirt and I really wanted to keep it but it was black and the point of stitchfix for me is to take risks and add color! The last thing I need is another black shirt. It was really pretty but I thought it was a little expensive for the simplicity and the quality.
Then onto a silk dress by designer Charlie Jade that I liked but would never wear. Seriously, I really can't wear strapless. This one reminded me of a dress you would wear to a poolside mixer circa 1972.
And finally a collard dress by Many Belles Down. I loved this dress! Loved it! It was soft and comfy and had a sexy black collar AND pockets! Plus the pattern was neat-o!
But wait what is that??
Yes! Gasp! A HOLE!!!
I have had terrific luck with stitchfix.com and was so surprised to find a hole! When I emailed them they were super helpful and more than willing to help me out with my little problem. I am sure that things like this are bound to happen but I was sad. Although in this picture I look pretty pissed. I was more disappointed then angry. How can you be angry with a company that is so helpful and accommodating?? Thanks stitchfix! You have once again made my fashion adventure fun! With every box I receive, I learn a bit more about what I like and what is comfortable. It is so nice to get a box of clothes that will flatter my body type. I am saving so many hours by not going to the mall and suffering (under florescent lighting) in a dressing room. Oh my god! I can remember so many afternoons in a dressing room scratching my head and getting discouraged because an item doesn't fit well. This is so much fun and way better! Tiny hole aside, this company is awesome! Have you tried it yet? What do you think? Should I keep any of these items? I do really like the dress...
Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate
walk with me
Hello all! Lately, Pat and I have been exploring new trails around our house. The town has been clearing new trails and making beautiful areas accessible. We have been taking Cookie Dog out and having a grand old time.
Last week we decided to check out a reservoir near our home. Until this spring the property has been marked "no trespassing" but when we saw the brand new trail markers we got really excited. The last of the Laurels were blooming and the sun was shining. Perfect day.
Not to gush, but I married an awesome man! He makes me laugh so hard and we have a great time together. Recently I have been really, really busy and we haven't been seeing much of each other...sigh. When we do get to hang out though we have a blast! Have you been enjoying the awesome weather? Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
Last week we decided to check out a reservoir near our home. Until this spring the property has been marked "no trespassing" but when we saw the brand new trail markers we got really excited. The last of the Laurels were blooming and the sun was shining. Perfect day.
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Not to gush, but I married an awesome man! He makes me laugh so hard and we have a great time together. Recently I have been really, really busy and we haven't been seeing much of each other...sigh. When we do get to hang out though we have a blast! Have you been enjoying the awesome weather? Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
heart of saturday night: 7/7/12
Round two of a nasty cough and runny nose...UGH!! Maybe it is my 17 hour work/rehearsal days I am pulling right now? Tonight I am taking it easy. I am going to read and give myself a pedicure (I bought a delicious new cotton candy blue nail polish and a pedi kit!) I hope you are relaxing too!
Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate
fashion friday: summer stripes
Oh my god I bought a dress that has orange in it! Not only is it orange but it has a lace back that shows my tattoos. I tend to wear a lot of black and adding bright colors to my wardrobe can be um....uncomfortable but I when I saw this dress at Target I decided to go for it! Yes, the lovely creamsicle color is new to my wardrobe and I am glad I took the chance!
Also, I have been opening old boxes and throwing a lot of junk out. I recently opened a box and found a pair of clogs that I bought while living in Brazil. They are over ten years old and back in style! YES! Do you have any clothes from high school that are still in your wardrobe? Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
Also, I have been opening old boxes and throwing a lot of junk out. I recently opened a box and found a pair of clogs that I bought while living in Brazil. They are over ten years old and back in style! YES! Do you have any clothes from high school that are still in your wardrobe? Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
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