
family project 8

Quiet moments during a very busy weekend. Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.




Happy Valentine's Day!!

Totally stole this idea from Pinterest. Poor Henson. This kid doesn't stand a chance. Have a very cozy, romantic day everyone. I am going to attempt to make a peanut butter pie (also found on Pinterest... I may have a problem). Wish me luck. Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate


4 months of little things

So this letter is a bit late. Unplugging while in Vermont has led to some serious catch up but I am on the right track!

To our little doodle,

At this time last year I told your dad about you. It seems so long ago. You are officially a GIANT baby!! You have an entire new wardrobe because you can no longer squeeze into any of the clothes we originally put out for you. Thank you for being so well behaved when we went to the art museum, traveled to Vermont and the pediatrician. Although you have been very fussy lately, I believe it is because you are opening up to the world around you and that can be very overwhelming. Things you really enjoy:

our walks and getting outside
being carried
the Jungle Book soundtrack
4 am chats
the sound of running water
making high pitched shrieks (trying out your voice?)
visits from Janie, Lynn, Maggie, Grandma and Grandpa
"if you're happy and you know it...."

you really dislike:
your car seat 
when the phone rings

things to look forward to:

going to more mommy groups and meeting more babies
valentines and the smell of roses
snow days
Uncle Trick's birthday
hunkering down for the bleakest month which only means spring will be here soon

If we all stop and take a moment, it is easy to remember why we are all here. Thanks for looking. Love, (your mama) Ms. Kate.


family project 6

Hello everyone! Did you miss me?? Henson and I went to Vermont last weekend and I unplugged. It was so nice to take a break but I realized I missed family photo 6 and Henson's monthly letter...sigh.  Although my husband was not around to be photographed I was able to photograph my nephew, sister and brother. So good to see everyone and celebrate my baby brother's 26th (!) birthday.

My brother owns a piano shop and we had the opportunity to hang out for a few hours. My nephew Wilder had a great time playing on the shop floor. He is so smart it's scary.

After a fun weekend I have some serious catching up to do. Oh well, it was worth it! Hope everyone had a good weekend. Love, Ms. Kate.


A few words on Sharp Objects

To quote my friend Lynn, “sometimes I am amazed by what I enjoy.” For me, these words ring especially true when it comes to Gillian Flynn. While writing this I realize I have read (and completed) every book she has ever written!! This is rather telling considering her books are extremely dark. Several times I had to put this book down because the imagery was too upsetting only to quickly pick it up again!

Recently, I finished her debut novel Sharp Objects. Like her other books, it is filled with despicable characters. In a Flynn novel it is often difficult to find a likable character because (in my opinion) everyone is kind of awful or really pathetic.

The main character Camille is a reporter who is sent on assignment to the Midwestern town where she grew up. She has the difficult task of reporting on the murder of two young girls. With her own set of problems (she cuts herself and has a bizarre relationship with her mother) Camille tries to objectively report on the people and places she grew up with. Maybe it is the forced perspective but Camille soon uncovers the town's deepest secrets and there is some crazy shit going on.

I'll admit, Flynn is a superb storyteller and her books are entertaining and well written. I read it in two days. Another awesome thing about Sharp Objects is everyone is a suspect (again, everyone is so despicable) and as soon as you think you’ve figured out the mystery there is an awesome twist. I can understand why Flynn is often on the bestseller lists.

Some of the imagery from this book has stayed with me but I was very entertained and it helped pass the time. So, if you like a very dark mystery this may be a good fit. Lots and lots of people just love her books. Also, I recently read that Gone Girl and Dark Places are both going to be movies. So yeah she is very popular and I can understand why. Do you have a mystery writer that you just love? Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.


family project 5

Week 5 and a very accurate portrayal of our lives lately. I wish we could get outside to take some photos but it is too cold and snowy. Guess we will spend the day cuddling, sipping tea and watching Henson eat his hand. Have a good Monday everyone. Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate


January in review

It is February! Thank goodness! The bitter cold and dark days do a number on my spirits and I am so happy to report that I survived another January! I didn't set any goals for January because I tend to dig myself a hole and hide there until the world thaws. That being said, I actually accomplished some aspirations! Maybe having a child and being awake almost 24/7 has made me more motivated? Doubtful but I was way more productive this January then I have been in YEARS!

I baked bread for the first time ever! My mother used to be a baker and has many, many amazing recipes. I can't believe I haven't taken advantage of her vast knowledge before.

I read a 900 page book. That's right folks. I read I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb. One of the longest books I have ever read. I will write a full review later after I have processed that crazy journey.

I lost weight. Not much (probably due to consuming previously mentioned bread) but still!

I applied for a few jobs.

I started a storenvy. I plan to fill this shop with more practical pieces unlike my etsy shop which will continue to have my fancier designs.

Phew! Goodbye January! Hello February!! May you be short and sweet and then Spring will be around the corner! Woohooo! Anybody else have a productive January? Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.

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