family project 13
Between all the shop drama and Henson's teething it has been quite a week. My poor boys have been very fussy and tired. Pat is pulling an extra long day today (possibly 14+ hours!) and it is snowing! ICK! Henson is napping right now and I'm going to take this opportunity to research new ways to keep him entertained. Hope everyone is having a good Monday! Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
Top Five Books to Read When Expecting
I found myself enjoying books that were informative while being slightly more um...relaxed. I really disliked What to Expect When You Are Expecting because it is so full of gloomy information and “worse case scenarios.” Yes, it is important to know all the nitty gritty but this classic seemed to focus more on the bad things that could happen during pregnancy. I wanted to inform myself so I wasn’t terrified and I found this book’s tone to be intense.
To start, I highly recommend Your Pregnancy Week by Week written by Curtis and Schuler. I love the layout of this book because you do not need to read it cover to cover. You can simply pick it up and turn to the pages regarding whatever week you like. This book is so full of information and they touch on everything but it also works as a timeline to help mothers-to-be prepare without being overwhelmed. I reread this book several times and it was a great way to quickly reassure myself that whatever I was experiencing was totally normal while keeping me informed on all types of issues. Also, at the end of every week there were exercising tips and illustrations of what the baby looked like. Very cool!
Baby’s First Year by Jones, Jones and Crocetti is a fantastic book to read cover to cover and also use as a reference. To start, the book’s short chapters are organized by days. Starting with the last days of pregnancy, it describes what to expect and how to prepare for the little one’s arrival. This book then picks up by discussing each individual day after the baby arrives. This book may be large but it covers everything from the baby’s development, to nutrition, to first aid...everything! It eventually switches into a weekly/monthly format but is always informative and easy to read. It is so helpful to read about milestones and ways to care for your little one throughout the first year. I continue to use this book as reference on a weekly basis.
The Expectant Father by Brott and Ash. Pat and I both read this book and liked it. This no fuss, relaxed book is catered to fathers as a way to understand what their wives are experiencing as well as to inform them on what to expect as the dad to be. Sometimes we forget how stressful a pregnancy can be for a father and this book was a terrific way for my husband to identify and understand what he was going through. I am so glad I read it too because it was less “textbook” while being super informative. It also gave me a perspective that is absent from many “mommy” books and I appreciated understanding what my husband was going through as well.
The Happiest Baby on the Block by Karp. If you don’t read this book then at least go to your local library and borrow the DVD. This quick read is a fantastic way to prepare yourself for the crying and fussiness that occur with a newborn. Karp’s philosophies on caring for a newborn are really amazing and his techniques for calming a crying baby make so much sense. I have seen his technique in action and I must say his five steps work!
Dad is Fat by Gaffigan. Whether or not you like his comedy routine, Jim Gaffigan is the father of five (yes five!) children and has seen it all. Comprised of short essays this book touches on a variety of parenting topics and literally made me laugh out loud! You may not agree with everything he writes but it is refreshing to see the humor in parenting and his genuine honesty is refreshing. Parenting can be messy but his ability to find the comedy amidst the chaos is terrific.
So, there you have it. It was difficult to pick the top five but hopefully this helps a few mamas to be. There is a lot of information out there and it can be very overwhelming. I wish you all the best of luck. Now that Henson is here, do you have any baby books you love? I will take any and all recommendations. Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate
family project 12
Week 12 and I realized I took a whole series of photos that are out of focus. I think I need to get my eyes checked. Happy Monday! Thanks for looking. Love, Ms.Kate.
family project 11
First time feeding. Our highchair is in VT so it is picnics on the floor until we are able to get it. Either way, we are all excited to start this next little step. I hope everyone has a good Sunday. Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
thoughts and advice on being twentysomething
Yesterday I turned twenty-nine! Happy Birthday to me.
I have been thinking a lot about my twenties. Man oh man the twenties are so tough. All of a sudden you are expected to be an adult. Ha! Maybe it's me or maybe it is a characteristic of my generation but I am just as clueless as I was the day I turned twenty!! Yes, sometimes I make better decisions but seriously guys... is this really my last year to get everything figured out??
I have been reading various lists on the Internet. You know the type, top ten things to accomplish in your twenties or five things to do before you turn thirty blah, blah, blah. One of the lists actually said "figure out who you are" and another said "build a passion that you can turn into a career." HA! After the wave of panic subsided, I began to think about being in my twenties and what advice I would give. In a world where a series of "smart" decisions does not always lead to a "smart" life, what advice would I give people that are just beginning the craziness that is their twenties?
Get an education. Being in your twenties is a time to go to college but ONLY if that feels right to you. If not, there are plenty of ways to procure an education. Move to a new city, take a long trip, join a group or volunteer for something out of your comfort zone. It is really important that you experience something that is vastly different from high school and even better if it makes you a little uncomfortable. I can not stress this enough. I should have taken a year off between high school and college but didn't because going to college was "the right thing to do." If I had waited and maybe gained some "street smarts" I would have been more prepared for school. Although if I had taken a year off, I wouldn't have met Pat and all his foxiness (pictured above).
Have roommates. You will learn a lot about your limits and may find you have more patience then you think. I also believe it is important to share chores and responsibilities with someone you are not romantically involved with.
Drink less coffee/beer and more water. There were days when I would think "hmmm... when was the last time I drank something other than coffee?" YIKES!
Hang out with your family. Even if they drive you crazy. Being in your twenties is about establishing new relationships and boundaries. I can't guarantee your family won't treat you like you are sixteen but at least you made the effort. Plus, so much changes in your twenties! It is important that you have a family to fall back on.
Date. Just be safe and have fun. And kiss a lot. Everyone loves a good kisser and practice makes perfect 'nuff said.
Learn how to do laundry, cook a few decent meals (all food groups represented), change a tire, cut up a whole chicken, and stick to a budget.
Help others. Getting involved can be tricky but please don't let that stop you. Donate your clothes, read to children, send money to a local charity or knit sweaters for the penguins... I don't care what you do as long as it helps make someone's day a little brighter.
Save as much money as you can. Believe it or not your responsibilities increase with age! Imagine! So save money now! This is something I didn't do because I didn't think I would need to and it sucks.
Floss. Everyone says you should do it. Seriously though, you should really do it.
Take care of your car. It may need to last a very long time.
Have a few wild nights. I am not saying that turning twenty means things should get weird. What I am saying, is that you should have some crazy times because you are young and your body (and reputation) will probably bounce back. Get it out of your system. Do it now and not when you're fifty.
Of course, this list is just my opinion. In the end, we will all do what makes us happy but try not to be destructive towards yourself or the world okay?
I do believe I have lived my twenties to the fullest. They have been emotional and crazy. Yes, I wish I had a career but I visited many cool places, met and married the best guy in the world, have a neat house and awesome son. There are a few things I still want to do in this final year as a twentysomething (pierced septum perhaps?) but it has been a pretty sweet time. I may not have everything figured out but every day I am more comfortable with who I am and the decisions I make. I plan on making this last year pretty great too. Do you have any advice for me? What should I do in this final year as a twentysomething?? Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
family project 10
5 months of little things
To our little doodle,
Although your sleeping habits are all over the place you are such a happy baby that I really can't complain. Last month, you helped me host a girls weekend and everyone loved giving you snuggles. You were invited to a birthday party and had a great time watching all the older kids play. Also, we recently visited the quilt shop and all the ladies loved you. Thank you for making me smile even when I am so, so, so, so tired.
You really enjoy:
Being social and getting passed around.
"the itsy bitsy spider"
looking out the window
watching the kitty
You dislike:
being in one place for too long
Things to look forward to:
a visit from Aunt Courtney
the days getting longer
trying solid foods
blue skies and warmer weather
your dad spending more time at home
"the itsy bitsy spider"
looking out the window
watching the kitty
You dislike:
being in one place for too long
Things to look forward to:
a visit from Aunt Courtney
the days getting longer
trying solid foods
blue skies and warmer weather
your dad spending more time at home
If we all stop and take a moment, it is easy to remember why we are all here. Thanks for looking. Love, (your mama) Ms. Kate.
family project 9
Blogger is being weird today and I don't have time to mess with this photo...oh well. Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
time to celebrate!
Hello and happy March! It is my birthday month so let the celebrations begin! YAY!!! I know that this year may be a little different... you know, because of the whole parent thing. While I used to spend many a March days drinking with friends, traveling and splurging on silly things I still hope to find some time to celebrate.
Although I am now a mother, I can still dream about birthday treats right? My wish list may be small and a little eclectic but I am currently swooning over all these lovelies.

Although I am now a mother, I can still dream about birthday treats right? My wish list may be small and a little eclectic but I am currently swooning over all these lovelies.
1. Part one of Anjelica Huston's biography. She and her brother Danny Huston are both awesome actors and it seems like they have lived very artistic and interesting lives.
2. Poppy Blossom by Coach smells like a sunny day.
3. Sakura Bloom baby sling. This is actually on Henson's wish list too. The kid loves to be worn and for quick trips this sling makes way more sense then tying the Moby.
4. New practical mom shoes. I don't think my platforms and wedges are going to cut it this summer. I love these simple converse although I wore my Toms everyday while pregnant and you don't have to tie Toms... plus they come in an amazing zebra print...hhhhmmmm....
5. This last one is a little crazy but I have always wanted to pierce my septum. Considering it is my last year before I turn 30 NOW is the time!!
That is it for now. HAPPY MARCH!!! Smell ya later February. Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate
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