Time for some spring cleaning! I am rearranging my closet and getting rid of things that I don't wear anymore. While a "closet purge" can be rewarding, I find that there are certain items that I cannot seem to get rid of. I have had this brown dress since college and it was one of my "go to" dresses. It is made of a light cotton material and has a neat safari scene printed on it (including a lion!) I don't wear it very often but I cannot seem to part with it. I decided to try it on and see if I can sneek it back into my wardrobe. It is so light and would be perfect for summer. This is one I think I have to hold onto. Do you have anything in your closet that you can't seem to get rid of?
Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate
Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate

Definitely hang on to that one!