family project 4
Henson has started teething. He is chewing on everything! his hands, toys, Pat's arm....any and all that he can! Oh and yes, that is a red devil on Pat's arm and yes, he is flipping the bird....what you may not know is that tattoo was done by an artist who is over 90 years old. It's a great story. Have a good week everyone. I am actually going to unplug this week and take a break from the internet. Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate
family project 3
This week I actually had some time to spend with my camera. What a difference a little effort can make. There is nothing better than that perfect moment of stillness and I am so lucky I had the opportunity to capture it this week. My goodness I love these boys!
to B.T. on her birthday
It's raining as I write this. It may be January but this rain reminds me of our spring semesters together. On days like today I crave walking to the dining hall with you!! If I had known how much I would miss those walks maybe I would have walked a little slower. Why were we in such a hurry?
Can you believe it has been ten years since we met? I am so glad I asked to borrow that pair of scissors. I don't remember what I needed them for but the fact that you had some (so prepared, like always!) sure did pave the way for the hilarious dynamic we have. You are the R2 to my C3PO.
I know this birthday is a big one for you and I am sorry I can't be there today. If you had asked me ten years ago where I would be on this day I would not have said "at home with a new baby." I wish I could take you to the beach, France, a botanical garden, tea room, bakery or some fancy city with cobblestone streets. I wish I could hug you and tell you that I love you and buy you pretty things trimmed with lace and that shade of pink that always reminds me of you.
Can you believe it has been ten years since we met? I am so glad I asked to borrow that pair of scissors. I don't remember what I needed them for but the fact that you had some (so prepared, like always!) sure did pave the way for the hilarious dynamic we have. You are the R2 to my C3PO.
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2004? Who the hell is that creeper behind us?? |
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my bridal shower |
You have done so much for me and have treated me better then anyone else on the planet. I have enjoyed every phone call, email, package and post-it that I have received from you. Thank you for always making me feel special. Thank you for always having band-aids when I didn't. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for cleaning up after me. Thanks for letting me vent and cry. Thanks for laughing at my jokes. Thanks for late night calorie fests and showing up to my house with chocolates in the shape of dinosaurs. Thank you for knowing the brand of beer I drink. Thank you for living with me and putting up with my drama. Thank you for driving all over the map to see me. Thanks for always loving me and never judging my ideas. I really, really appreciate all that you do. Seriously, how did I function before we were friends??
day before my wedding |
I know you worry about people's expectations (don't we all?) but let me tell you I ALWAYS feel like a huge spaz in your presence! You are always so prepared, so level-headed and so together! You always inspire me to eat better, get organized and take better care of myself. After hanging out with you, I always want to cook big meals, organize my socks and read Bronte. You make me want to better myself and because of your positive support I always want to push myself and reach my potential.
You are my kindred spirit. You are a staple in my son's life and a person for my husband to turn to. You are family not only to me but my entire extended family! We love you and treasure all the time you spend with us.
Wilder's birth |
I wish the best for you BT. I want you to be SO happy. I want you to find whatever it is you are looking for. I want you to be proud and comfortable. I want you to see what I see, a person unlike any other that is made of pure, unconditional love and loyalty. You are the real deal and I hope you realize how amazing and unique you are.
I am so lucky to have you in my life. I hope I am around to celebrate 70 more of your birthdays! I hope I get to sit on a porch with you every summer for the rest of my life. I hope we drink vodka tonics even when we are 80. I hope you dance with Henson at his wedding. I hope we do more random swimming, movie watching, traveling, gossiping, cooking and laughing throughout the years to come.
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Summer 2013 |
I can't wait until we are two crazy old ladies singing show tunes at the top of our lungs!
Happy Birthday B. Know that I am thinking about you, missing you and hoping you have the very best of days. Love, your Kate.
a few words on Arcadia
such a pretty cover |
Life on a commune has always intrigued me and through Groff’s strong ability for character development I really got a sense of how this cast of characters struggle towards their ideals. Bit describes his parent's dreams for the commune and the harsh reality that comes from completely relying on the help of others for everything from food, to heat, to the clothes on your back. Some of the paragraphs in Arcadia are beautifully written. Groff welcomes the reader to feel the sun on their face, sweat from hard work and enjoy the little moments that life brings to Bit. Things that we would probably take for granted are treasured by Bit and are described so perfectly that the reader can be fully immersed in Bit's culture. Bit is observant, articulate and has a wonderfully boyish way of viewing the world. He is a fun character to get to know as he (and the reader) unpack this complicated puzzle of a life.
Of course, where would a novel about a commune be without the politics that can occur within this type of society? As the book unfolds we see an internal battle that happens when people are selfish and out for themselves. This read is fascinating and an intriguing look into both the love and opportunistic qualities that humankind can struggle with.
That being said, the final section follows Bit once he is an adult. While the first two sections were poetic and an intriguing look into human potential, the third section reads a bit like a sappy drama. Not to give anything away but Arcadia started strong and then lost some of its edge and poetry. Then again, maybe that was the point? I enjoyed this novel and Groff's characters were all very interesting but by the middle of the third section I was ready to finish the book.
Have you read anything interesting lately? I always love suggestions. Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
family project 2
Week Two. Not the best photo but at least I actually took one! Between being sick, house guests and then the most INSANE growth spurt (eating every 20 to 35 minutes!!) it is amazing I actually picked up my camera.
Hopefully next week will be a little more regular. Have a good week everyone. Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
3 months of little things
To our little doodle,
So much has changed in just a month. Sometimes it seems like you wake up and have developed a new skill overnight. One day you just woke up and put your hands in your mouth! I have loved watching you open up to the world around you. Everyday is unique as you figure something out or see something for the first time. You really enjoy:
putting your hands in your mouth
answering our questions with coos and squeals
looking in the mirror
trying to touch the pages of a book while I read to you
the sound of Cookie drinking water
being rocked
You really hate getting your diaper changed
Things to look forward to:
celebrating several family member's birthdays
snow storms
visits to the library
season 4 of Downton Abbey (because it makes your mother SO HAPPY!)
the days getting longer
Things to look forward to:
celebrating several family member's birthdays
snow storms
visits to the library
season 4 of Downton Abbey (because it makes your mother SO HAPPY!)
the days getting longer
If we all stop and take a moment, it is easy to remember why we are all here. Thanks for looking. Love, (your mama) Ms. Kate.
family project 1
One of my goals for 2014 is to photograph my family weekly. Let's see how far I get.....
I LOVE this bottom photo. It cracks me up! Of course I had to start the year off with my boys. Aren't they awesome?? Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate
I LOVE this bottom photo. It cracks me up! Of course I had to start the year off with my boys. Aren't they awesome?? Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate
good to have goals
Another year. Honestly, I have been so busy and SO sick (yep, Henson and I are both sick with chest colds... which is a serious adventure) that I haven't had a chance to think up any resolutions. I do however have some year long aspirations. Besides my monthly goals over the next year I would like to:
refinish our kitchen counters (they are wood and need some serious attention)
photograph my family weekly
get hired!! (in my field)
take a yoga class
learn five new recipes
explore some place new
build a sandbox
wean Henson and learn all about homemade baby food
visit the ocean (more then once)
get my half sleeve (finally)
set aside some time to spend with my watercolors and journal
reconnect with old friends
save money
downsize my gardens (I started doing this last summer but it was too hot
and I was too pregnant to finish)
I am sure I have more goals but I am really, really tired and have a cranky baby in my arms. I think we are on the mend though and in a few days everything should be back to its usual chaos. Do you have any goals for 2014?? Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
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