refinish our kitchen counters (they are wood and need some serious attention)
photograph my family weekly
get hired!! (in my field)
take a yoga class
learn five new recipes
explore some place new
build a sandbox
wean Henson and learn all about homemade baby food
visit the ocean (more then once)
get my half sleeve (finally)
set aside some time to spend with my watercolors and journal
reconnect with old friends
save money
downsize my gardens (I started doing this last summer but it was too hot
and I was too pregnant to finish)
I am sure I have more goals but I am really, really tired and have a cranky baby in my arms. I think we are on the mend though and in a few days everything should be back to its usual chaos. Do you have any goals for 2014?? Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate.
i definitely agree with taking yoga, and learning more recipes :)
Agreed, I often get into a rut of cooking the same things. Here's to a new year!