
the waiting game

I am learning a very valuable lesson these days. A new form of patience that I never knew existed and I'll tell you...waiting for a baby is tough.

The nursery is set, freezer is stocked, and tons of tiny clothes have been washed and folded. Pat and I have taken the classes, read the books and packed our hospital bags.

So here we are.

I go through the days crafting, baking, cleaning, and reading a.k.a "nesting"(it's a real thing). I have been spending more time in the library these days then I ever did while I was in school...okay, maybe that is not entirely true but I am getting to know the librarians pretty well.

Waiting is tough for me. Not that I am an impatient person but I tend to over think things that are out of my control. It has been interesting to let go of any preconceived ideas and simply, wait. I am a serious planner and pregnancy has taught me to take a breath, stop making lists, avoid Google and just enjoy the quiet time.

I have also started beading again. When I found out we were expecting, one of the first things I did was organize my beads. It took me a month but now everything is so tidy that designing is fun again!! I recently finished a bracelet that will be uploaded to Etsy today!! All and all things are peaceful and full of creativity. I will continue to keep you all posted. Thanks for looking, Love Ms. Kate.

new bracelet inspired by the changing seasons. 


  1. What a lovely blog post. Sweet, simple and honest.

  2. Thank you so much! Those are three characteristics that I want this blog to be! Thanks for commenting. xo

  3. How exciting! I'm thrilled for you and your hubby!

  4. Thank you! We are very excited!


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