
november goals in review

So....here we are!! The last day in November...We made it!! I had set out to accomplish a few goals in an effort to make my life more "organized" and to settle into all this mommy business. Well, I have to say I am glad I started with tiny goals because otherwise I think I would have been really overwhelmed.

That being said, I am happy to say that ALL of my goals for November were accomplished with great success!!

Goal #1: Get my hair cut and dyed. Seems simple enough right? It wasn't until the THIRD week in November that I actually got around to making an appointment. It was getting really, really long and everyone kept saying I looked like a mom from an 1980's sitcom!!

So I had it chopped off! I still need to have it dyed and I'm thinking of going really, really RED....

Goal 2: Fit into my jeans. Okay, so not my usual jeans (I'm not magic!) but the jeans I save when I don't exercise enough and spend too much time snacking..... aka my "fat girl jeans" Mission accomplished! I will spare you the photo but slowly things are shrinking. With my recent Dr. visit and his approval to start exercising (Goal #3 check!)  things are on the right (skinnier) path. 

Goal #4 Breastfeed more, pump less. This needs its own post but what I will say is I am no longer pumping and Henson is putting on weight like it is his job!!! Woohoo!!!

Goal #5 Travel for Thanksgiving. We traveled 2ish hours to be with Pats family and it was absolutely wonderful. 

Goal #6 Build our cloth diaper stash and establish a laundry routine. Our stash is getting there and with the help of my awesome husband (sometimes I forget) laundry is being done everyday. 

So there you have it!! It feels good to check things off the list and stick to my goals. I hope I do as well in December. We will have to wait and see. Thanks for looking. Love, Ms. Kate. 


  1. Wow, nice work! I need to take some lessons from you in goal-setting.

  2. Sally?? Is that you? MISS YOU!!

  3. Hooray for boobies! Sounds like you and Henson are a good team :)

  4. Too funny!! Thanks for visiting. :)


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